Receiving new dentures can be exciting, but it can also come with some unexpected soreness. It’s not uncommon to go through an adjustment phase when wearing these prosthetics; however, you may not expect oral sores to form. The good news is your dentist can help remedy the problem and provide helpful tips to minimize discomfort and improve the situation. Keep reading to learn what at-home remedies can address denture sores as well as when it’s time to see a professional for help.
What Causes Denture Sores?
Denture sores typically form as a result of wearing a new set of teeth or experiencing an improper fit. Although it’s not uncommon to experience some slight discomfort when initially receiving these prosthetics, they should not hurt to the point that you forgo wearing them altogether.
When your dentures do not fit correctly, they can begin to rub against your gums, leaving oral sores behind. Also, if there is any food debris found between your artificial teeth and gums, the bacterial accumulation and failure to clean your dentures can put you at risk for soft tissue irritation.
What At-Home Remedies Can Improve the Situation?
Fortunately, there are several things you can do to alleviate the discomfort and improve the look and feel of your new smile. You can:
- Use a denture adhesive to help keep your dentures more secure against your gumline so that food debris and bacteria do not form in areas that can irritate your soft oral tissues.
- Clean your dentures regularly to remove anything that might otherwise lead to poor oral health or sores.
- See your dentist to have your dentures relined or adjusted. This ensures that they fit properly and do not continue to rub against your gums.
- Rinse your mouth with salt water several times a day, as this will alleviate any soreness and reduce inflammation.
- Use an over-the-counter pain medication to reduce discomfort and swelling.
- Take out your dentures before going to bed so they can soak and give your gums a chance to breathe.
When Should You Seek a Dentist?
If you try the above-mentioned remedies and still are unable to achieve the necessary relief, you may need to talk to your dentist about having your new teeth relined or adjusted. It’s also possible that you might need a new denture or consider switching to an implant version.
If you have been wearing your dentures for some time, they may be slipping and causing irritation, so your dentist can reline them for a more secure fit.
Denture sores don’t have to be a reality when receiving a new set of teeth. Instead, adopt these habits and tips to keep your mouth healthy and pain-free while enjoying life with a functional and natural-looking smile.
About Grand Dental – Lockport
At Grand Dental – Lockport, our talented and artistic dental experts know what kind of prosthetics look best on patients suffering from tooth loss. This is why we offer custom dentures to give our patients a chance to enjoy eating, speaking, and smiling confidently again. For those experiencing oral sores because of their new prosthetics, visit our website or call (815) 240-8068 to find out how we can help you manage the issue at home and when it’s time to see us.