Between apple pie, turkey, cooked vegetables, rolls, mashed potatoes, and other delicious holiday foods, it can be difficult to know which ones will be good for you to eat while wearing dentures. Naturally, your initial reaction is to pile it all on your plate, but if you want to prevent a trip to your emergency dentist this time of year, read on to discover which savory and sweet treats you’ll need to avoid.
Which Foods Should Be Avoided During the Holidays?
Being able to eat certain foods is a benefit you can expect while wearing dentures; however, knowing which ones can damage your teeth is essential. Yes, you’ll experience a stronger bite force and the ability to consume more nutrient-rich foods, but if you want to keep them fully intact and inside your mouth, avoid the following foods:
- Corn on the cob
- Chewy meat
- Popcorn and nuts
- Sticky sauces (i.e., cranberry)
- Caramel, marshmallows, and other sticky, chewy foods
- Hard candies
- Raw vegetables and hard fruits
- Eggnog
- Soda or other carbonated beverages
Which Foods Are Best for Dentures This Time of Year?
While you might be feeling as if you’ll be missing out on some of your favorite holiday foods when looking at the list above, you’ll be pleased to learn there are plenty of denture-friendly options to choose from, such as:
- Cooked turkey and chicken
- Pasta
- Rice
- Fish (i.e., salmon)
- Mashed potatoes
- Mashed sweet potatoes (be careful to avoid brown sugar and marshmallows)
- Soup or stews
- Cooked vegetables
Helpful Tips to Remember During the Holidays
Apart from knowing which foods you should eat and which ones to avoid, you’ll also want to make sure that you are practicing good oral hygiene whether you’re celebrating at home or traveling to a family member’s house for the holidays.
Keeping your dentures clean is essential if they are to remain healthy and long-lasting. Also, soaking them overnight will ensure any bacteria and food particles accumulated throughout the day are removed.
A few other helpful tips to remember include cutting up your food into smaller pieces for easier consumption, keeping your dentures out of reach of small children and pets will prevent loss or damage, and practicing how to eat certain foods if you just recently received new dentures will ensure greater confidence.
Eat delectable foods and spend more quality time with your family this holiday season. In turn, you’ll continue to enjoy the many benefits that only dentures can provide.
About Grand Dental – Lockport
At Grand Dental – Lockport, our dentists are skilled in creating beautiful dentures for patients suffering from tooth loss. Designed to rebuild incomplete smiles and restore bite force, we can help you navigate the holiday season by providing tips that make it easy to choose which foods are best for keeping your prosthetics in tip-top shape. Check out our website or call (815) 240-8068 to find out how we can help.