It’s time for children to head back to school, but before they do, parents should plan to schedule a dental exam for their little ones. By allowing a trusted professional to check for early signs of cavities, gum disease, and bite misalignment, the potential for worsening symptoms significantly decreases. However, if the time for a dentist’s appointment is not possible until after school starts, here are four tips to help young ones maintain good oral health and ensure a successful dental visit in the future.
Send Them With Healthy Lunches
Lunchtime is the most enjoyable time of day for most students. The reason is that many often find sweet treats and snacks hidden inside their lunchboxes. However, too much sugar and starch can be detrimental to young teeth and gums, resulting in cavities and gum disease. Instead, make sure their lunches contain plenty of leafy greens, lean meats, dairy, fruits, and vegetables. This will keep their developing smile healthy and free of potential decay.
Monitor Their Morning and Nighttime Routines
Depending on the age of the child, they may need help brushing and flossing every morning and night. Parents should prepare to either assist or oversee the process, making sure their children are practicing correct oral hygiene habits, as they will properly remove bad oral bacteria and food particles from adhering to their teeth. Making sure children are using soft-bristled toothbrushes and fluoride toothpaste is also essential to protecting their smiles.
Equip Them With Protective Mouthguards
Children who play sports should not just have protective helmets, shin guards, and shoulder pads. They should also be equipped with customized mouthguards that are designed to protect against hard-hitting blows. Worn over the top arch, these oral appliances create a barrier to safeguard teeth from becoming seriously damaged. As a result, they can keep young patients out of the emergency dental office.
Make Sure They Drink Plenty of Water
Water is the most important beverage a child can drink. Not only is it healthy, fueling the body throughout the day, but it is highly effective in flushing out bad bacteria and keeping salivary glands working. It will not allow their mouth to become dry, which can be a serious problem should bacteria form over time.
A child’s oral health will only serve to help or hinder their overall physical well-being. Making sure their teeth and gums receive the treatment they deserve will keep them inside the classroom and learning instead of at the dentist’s office undergoing necessary dental care.
About Grand Dental – Lockport
At Grand Dental – Lockport, our team of professionals is here to provide exceptional dental care to individuals with all types of smiles. When a child requires regular dental checkups and cleanings, we can recommend various preventive treatments that are designed to improve and repair growing smiles. Visit our website or call (815) 836-0001 to learn how we can help.